Adrienne Christian
Call Me Porky
When I was a kid, they called me crybaby,
because I cried when they called me Porky,
because I cried when anybody got bullied,
or any animal —
the neighbors’ pink and gray Pitbull kept outside
through Michigan’s bitter Novembers-through-Marches.
My cousin once smashed a rat with our baseball bat,
I also cried my eyes out about that,
its tooth through its poor head,
its little life now a soup of dark red blood with bits
of skull and strips of fur on the ground by the dumpsters.
It was just trying to find something to eat.
And I am still that sensitive girl, bleeding heart, just like that rat’s.
Only now I’ll bash your head in for calling me Porky.
Or for leaving some sweetheart Pitbull on the balcony.
I Agreed to be a Side Chick
I’m ashamed to admit it
but during the Pandemic
I felt so alone
I agreed to be a side chick.
We met online. We’d meetup in my Jeep.
We’d get takeout and eat it in the park,
the windows down, the doors off.
Sometimes we’d ride by his friend’s house
just to honk and say Hey
but then he’d say “Hey, just because you met my friend
that doesn’t mean we’re in a relationship.”
Christmas, he brought me good gifts.
Two weeks later we took a trip to Barbados.
But after the flight, in the Uber, when we kissed good
night, and I wanted him to spend the night, he said,
“We’re not in a relationship.”
Any home maintenance issue I had he’d fix.
If he’d cooked, he’d bring me a plate and a slice of cake.
And if I was feeling insecure he’d come see about me,
ask “What’s wrong, Luv? What do you need?”
Every week we’d get bagels from the Shipley’s on Blanco
and climb into his backseat.
He would pull my dress up, my panties down, and really go downtown.
We’d babywipe his beard and both grin in the afterglow. Then he’d say it:
“Just so you know…”

Dr. Adrienne Christian is a Writer and Photographer who teaches Writing and Photography online. She is the author of two poetry books: Worn (2021), and A Proper Lover (2017). WORN was one of the Rumpus’ Most Anticipated Books of 2021.
Adrienne’s poetry has been featured in Hayden’s Ferry Review, World Literature Today, American Life in Poetry, and others. Her nonfiction has been featured in, BUST, Next Avenue, phoebe, and more.
In 2020, Adrienne earned her PhD in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from the University of Nebraska. In 2011, she earned her MFA in English with a concentration in Contemporary Poetics from Pacific University. And in 2001, she earned her BA in English with a concentration in 19th Century British Literature from the University of Michigan. She’s taught at Bennet College, The University of New Haven, and the University of Nebraska.
In 2020, Adrienne was nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. Also in 2020, she won the Common Ground poetry award. In 2016, she was a finalist for the Rita Dove International Poetry Award. In 2007, she won the University of Michigan’s Five Under Five Ten Young Alumni Recognition Award.
Adrienne is an Associate Editor at Backbone Press.
She lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband.
Twitter: @adrienne.christian
Instagram: @adrienne_evelyn