Vicki Whicker
Winter’s Coming
Autumn’s leafing
Summer’s seeded stalks
Bleeding colors
Leaving grasses
All aflame
Tawny thatchings
Grieving things
Gathering survivals
Garden’s golden folds
Holding spiders
Patient noisless
Till they drop
The silver
Hub Frame
Autumn’s leaving
Winter’s coiling
Night’s cold fists
Bruising velvets
Burred by stars

Summer’s goodbye.
Fields rimed with ice–
this way,
this way,
But first, be dog. Be Joy.
Everything is to the dogged heart–
deer pellets are chocolates,
garden’s dead a playground–
Launch them at those great bodied birds
filling our skies with their honking sorrows.
We need these frosts. Because!
By them our world becomes
crimsons, golds and oranges.
You’re not complaining, are you?
Stalk my sunflower’s
brown petals,
bent necks,
pie pan faces,
how they Fibonacci, their spiraled eyes
robbed blind by Jays of a certain calling–
tongue’s echoing a warning
sharp as blackend ice–
this way,
this way,

Vicki Whicker, poet and art photographer, is a member of the Los Angeles Poets and Writers Collective and Bright Hill Press Poets. Her poetry has been published by Mo+th, 12 Los Angeles Poets, Big City Mantra, Literary Mama, and others. Her poetry and art photography are featured in the anthology Seeing Things (Woodland Arts Editions, 2020), her poem “Fire Starter” was published in both English and Spanish with La Presa (Embajadoras Press), and her debut collection of poems Caught Before Flight was published by Woodland Arts Editions, all in 2020.
Twitter: @vicki_whicker
Instagram: @dunga_brook