Original Illustration by Chad Lewis
Postscript: The Tipping Point
As a man is, so he sees.
—William Blake
Check this out.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of taking victories wherever I can find them.
Micro victories, like uplifting and hilarious dog videos, which remind us why we humans should imitate our canine friends: living in the moment, without guile, and fueled by love.
Or macro victories, like the sane and humane ex-spouse of our least favorite billion-dollar baby actively donating chunks of her wealth to worthy causes.
It’s more often those in-between, daily triumphs, such as seeing good parents doing their best or students from underserved communities refusing to be consigned and relegated. In a world increasingly successful at turning us all into hammers, sensing an instinctual compulsion to dominate (or retreat altogether, disengagement breeding apathy), these bright moments are the fuel keeping healthy brains and hearts in alignment.
All of which brings me to Tears for Fears, who have dropped a new album—their first in almost two decades.
Elder statesmen tend to age poorly in the music game, especially rock musicians, who seem to lose the plot (some combination of ability, inspiration, and purpose) around 30, and almost invariably after 40. When we see so-called oldies acts (and we Americans are nothing if not incurably nostalgic, happy to shower our dough on these interminable reunion tours), it’s recycled hits, often featuring new faces and back-up musicians providing sounds the headliners can no longer produce. So, having two 60-year-olds deliver brand new material is itself noteworthy; that this work is convincing and compelling is cause for celebration.
The Tipping Point is art as antidote: respite from our congenital narcissism, obsession with youth, style over substance, and quick dopamine hits. Art made by mature human beings who have lived, struggled, survived; who have nurtured their creativity with grace and purpose, creating something totally of its time—and for the ages. A miracle of sorts offering extraordinary hope and inspiration.
Hope is epidemic,
Optimism spreads;
Love responds to your invitation,
Love responds to imagination.
—Neil Peart
Get a glimpse into what makes your favorite creative types tick—from the writers who inspired them, to the weird habits that accompany the practice of writing, their favorite places in the world, and more. Check out this insightful series on our YouTube channel.
1455’s Moveable Feast is a new initiative bringing together directors of four distinct writing workshops based in different parts of the world who will offer writers a resource to find their community. Moveable Feast provides sponsored venues that curate readings, author talks, live interviews with writers, and other artistic events. Read more about Moveable Feast here.
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