Samantha Hsiung
home: gone, history: lost
Second Place, Category 1: Ages 13-18
“home: gone, history: lost” discusses the theme of confinement rather than freedom—but I believe that discussing confinement and imprisonment not only directly relates to freedom but also poses questions about freedom. Both poems are based on historical events—which may seemingly be contradictory with the given prompt regarding the contemporary sociopolitical and cultural environment—but are also reflections of today’s environment; today’s environment reflects the way in which history constantly repeats itself, as events that occurred long ago in history are still very similar to those that happen now.
Samantha Hsiung is a student at Pinewood School. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rising Phoenix Review, Eunoia Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, and Passengers Journal, among others. Aside from writing, she loves fencing, reading, and listening to music.