lt was not officially Spring until we decided it was, and we decided it was the other weekend with another live event, and another installment of our Wine and Words Series collaboration with Kalero Vineyard.
It’s always a special joy to chat with a local writer, and everyone who knows David agrees he’s a hero for the literary and broader Winchester area. As our conversation reveals, David is a man of many passions and talents, and while that should be a source of envy and inspiration for us all, he is the rare sort who is always paying it forward, always sharing his knowledge, always looking to connect and be part of the community. This was not our first rodeo with him, and it most certainly won’t be our last (if we have anything to say about it!). For now, we are delighted to focus on his newest collection of poems Death Throes of the Broken Clockwork Universe. (And if ever a book has you at “hello,” this is it — what a title!)
While the obvious theme of our conversation was poetry (in general) and these poems (in particular), as is usually the case, the discussion veered into many directions, all of them welcome, and all begging for further insights. As you’ll see, our friend is well-traveled, deeply intelligent, and the type of humble master that our world sorely could use more of. But we’re fortunate to have him, and it remains a true honor to include him in the 1455 Family.
As always, special thanks to Ann Botsford for collaborating with us, and we invite you to check out Kalero and soak in the sights and sip the wines. Stay tuned, much more excitement to occur at Kalero in the months ahead…

(Breaking news: recently blurbed in the New York Review of Books!!!!)
In his debut poetry collection, Death Throes of the Broken Clockwork Universe, Wayne David Hubbard illustrates journeys through physical space and abstract worlds of emotion. Combining choreological precision with playfulness, readers enter the mind’s eye of a poet standing along the shoreline of powerful forces that shape all lives: time, place, and love. Written over a ten-year period, the collection calls to mind the poetry of Lorine Niedecker, Rae Armantrout, Larry Eigner, and Carl Phillips. Importantly, these poems resist thick, impenetrable themes, instead celebrating ordinal wonders of life that are hidden in open view. This spare book offers strong, memorable imagery and questions that will delight thoughtful readers.
“A strong, spare, quiet, thoughtful book of poetry that will convey warmth to the reader even when it considers difficult subject matter. This book makes clear the poet’s love of verse, and the poet’s love of love, which is probably the most important subject.”
–Dan Gutstein, American writer and vocalist
Purchase Death Throes of the Broken Clockwork Universe at our independent bookselling partner The Potter’s House.
Wayne David Hubbard is the author of several poems, essays, and short stories. His first book, Mobius: Meditations on Home is available on Amazon. His literary works explore – both directly and abstractly – various aspects of science, philosophy, history, and experiences across the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. His new poetry collection Death Throes of the Broken Clockwork Universe was published in 2022. It can be purchased most places online where books are sold.
Website: waynedavidhubbard.com
Email: info@waynedavidhubbard.com
Twitter: @WDavidHubbardInstagram: @wdavidhubbard