1455’s Author Series continues with Alyson Gold Weinberg, who will read from Bellow & Hiss.



NOVEMBER 5   |   2:00 PM EST   |   The Potter’s House, Washington D.C.

1455’s Founding Director Sean Murphy will speak with Alyson about this book and the craft of poetry, followed by a Q&A.

ABOUT Bellow & Hiss

“Riding shotgun with Oedipus, your mother, and the pothole in your heart,” Bellow & Hiss navigates generational suffering and hurtles headlong toward reverie. The collection’s knowing “I” interrogates the dark gift of childhood trauma, the nature of family, and the weaving together of identity. Bellow & Hiss asks: “Have you ever been properly pruned? A love equation carved into your skin?” What does it mean to bear fruit from rotten seeds? Tucked among the branches and brambles of this collection are revelations about growing up and upward, spiritual endurance, and the art of creating oneself. The “scarred arms” in Bellow & Hiss—of drowning Ophelias, anthropomorphic dieffenbachias, and pandemic Penelopes—reach toward the light, “gasping for living things.” 

“Alyson Gold Weinberg’s Bellow & Hiss sings with a poignant ache and beauty that makes music in its language and stark imagery. These poems are historic, gritty, and deeply personal—coiled in wild earth and cosmically bittersweet moments. “Like a willow whose very name means lamentation,” Weinberg weaves trauma to transcendence, sorrow to heart, and heart to human empathy. “I must remake what is broken … embroidering a story—no back space, no back space—distracting from loss, tending the presence of love—forever ending a line by beginning the next one.”

–Kai Coggin, author of Mining for StardustIncandescent, and Wingspan 

Purchase Bellow & Hiss

ABOUT Alyson Weinberg

Alyson Gold Weinberg is an award-winning poet, playwright, speechwriter and ghostwriter. Her poems have appeared in literary magazines and anthologies including DecemberPoetica, District Fray, and others. She is a 2021 Jeff Marks Memorial Prize finalist (chosen by Carl Philips), winner of the 2021 The Inner Loop Poetry Prize, winner of the 2021 Derick Burleson Poetry Prize, a 2022 Harbor Review Jewish Women’s Poetry Prize finalist, and a 2022 New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competition finalist. Alyson’s play, Object Relations, had its live-streamed staged reading premiere during the pandemic to benefit mental health equity. A fully staged production is in the works.

Website:   alysonweinbergconsulting.com
Twitter:   @AlysonGWeinberg
Instagram:   @alyson_gold_weinberg
Facebook:   facebook.com/alyson.weinberg

ABOUT 1455

At 1455, storytellers are sacred, and we’re dedicated to showcasing the written word and other forms of creative expression. Curating community through year-round free programming, 1455 connects art and audience via intimate conversations and the promotion of diverse voices. Taking our name from the year Gutenberg’s printing press helped democratize content on a global scale, 1455 continues the tradition of using technology to advance an understanding and appreciation of impactful storytelling. 1455 exists to serve anyone who appreciates the arts and is interested in the sort of community commonly found only in academia or online book clubs. Every day, 1455 will augment the passion for the literary and creative arts in adults and young people through programs that sponsor expression, education, and sharing of stories.

Website: 1455litarts.org
Twitter: @1455litarts
Instagram: @1455litarts
Facebook: facebook.com/1455litarts


1455 is thrilled to partner with The Potter’s House bookshop.

The Potter’s House is a nonprofit café, bookstore, and event space in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC. Since opening our doors in 1960 we have been a key place for deeper conversation, creative expression, and community transformation. After closing in 2013 for major renovations, The Potter’s House re-opened in spring 2015 with a renewed space and revitalized offerings. In our rapidly changing city – one in which development so often means displacement – The Potter’s House is a deeply rooted space where we can build relationships across our differences, envision just alternatives, and grow the movements that will make them possible.

Website: pottershousedc.org
Twitter: @pottershousedc
Instagram: @pottershousedc
Facebook: facebook.com/pottershousedc
Address:  1658 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009


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1455 Literary Arts