1455’s Author Series at Handley Regional Library continues with Nathan Leslie, who will read from his collection Hurry Up and Relax.
The WWPH Fiction winner for 2019 is Nathan Leslie, for his story collection, Hurry Up and Relax, the 2019 Fiction Award from the Washington Writers’ Publishing House. Leslie’s nine previous books of fiction include Three Men, Root and Shoot, Sibs, and The Tall Tale of Tommy Twice. He is also the author of a collection of poems, Night Sweat. Nathan is currently the series editor for Best Small Fictions, the founder and organizer of the Reston Reading Series in Reston, Virginia, and the publisher and editor of the new online journal Maryland Literary Review. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, Julie.
1455’s Founding Director Sean Murphy and the author will discuss the process of writing this book and the contemporary literary scene, followed by an open Q&A.
Copies of Nathan’s book will be available for sale and signing, courtesy of the Winchester Book Gallery.
This is a free event!
More about Nathan here. (http://www.nathanleslie.net/about.php)