Kirsty Greenwood
Artist Statement
I’m fascinated by stories of transformation and like to depict that in my art; metamorphoses are a recurring theme within my work and I am intrigued by the phenomena that is pareidolia (our ability to see faces and objects in patterns or random marks). I create opportunity to see visions in the marbled papers I produce myself, which I then turn into illustrations- picking out marks and shapes that fit the piece of writing, subject or theme I am inspired by or creating for. With the advantage of an illustrative mind-set, I am motivated by ephemeral visual misunderstanding, ocular strangeness, nightmares, dreams and fleeting glimpses of unreality. Inspired by Faerie tales, horror, folklore, myths and legends, aboriginal cultures and Quixotism. I work in traditional mediums such as pencil and ink, on home-made marbled papers to create art and designs with intricate detail and narrative.
‘Metamorphosis’, the fabric I designed for and in collaboration with The Monkey Puzzle Tree- fabrics and wallcoverings, was winner of ‘Best in British Product Design’ at the Hotel Designs Brit List Awards 2021. My work has been featured by publishers such as Diet Milk Magazine, Mud Season Review, Metaphorosis magazine, Fusion Fragment, Firewords Quarterly magazine, Paraxis, Holdfast magazine, Demter’s Spicebox, Scheherazade’s Bequest, Psychopomp magazine, Truancy Mag, Drabblecast, Strangelet magazine, Tiny Owl Workshop, Fantastique Unfettered, Gatehouse Gazette- to name a few.

Kirsty Greenwood
Kirsty Greenwood is an illustrator who works mainly within the realm of short fiction stories both for print and online publications. With experience in many aspects of artwork and the advantage of an illustrative mind-set, her passion is for imagery that accompanies literature based in the surreal, the Gothic and folk tales; she has also exhibited her works internationally and more recently ‘Metamorphosis’, the fabric she designed for and in collaboration with The Monkey Puzzle Tree- art fabrics and wallcoverings, was winner of ‘Best in British Product Design’ at the Hotel Designs Brit List Awards 2021.
With her work focused on the idea of embracing change; she uses methods such as home made marbling to create a base for images- forming a picture that transforms at each stage. Kirsty then uses the traditional techniques of drawing with ink and paint washes to further make the image, picking out details to promote the telling of the tale through visions filled with narrative, allure and beings from around the allegorical world.
Inspired by transformation, pareidolia; aboriginal cultures, and
Quixotism; my work often has its roots in dreamlike non-realities to create Art contained by the renovating of influences and ideas into images which often convey feelings of otherworldly states to produce detailed phantasmagorias, unusual scenarios and creatures.
Instagram: @kirsty_greenwoodillustration
Twitter: @KGillustration