Kim B. Miller
Haiku Poems
Look your mirror is
not broken, you are. Pieces
of truth can’t fix lies.
Why don’t you sit with
your victories like you sit
with your failures? Well!
Your joy isn’t their job.
Your crutch won’t fit under their
arm. Joy ain’t plural.
Companionship is
not a solution to pain.
Don’t give love a job.
Love or lust, lust is
rent with an option to buy.
Are you a renter?
It’s okay to be
scared do it anyway. Scared
people succeed too.

Kim B. Miller was crowned the First African American Prince William County Poet Laureate in 2020. She serves as a Motivational Speaker for Bard High School and Early College DC, a Teaching Artist at DC Commussion on the Arts and Himanities, and a Workshop Facilitator for University of California, Berkeley. She is the 2021 DMV Renaissance Award Winner “Haikuist” of the year. She also won 4th place in the Annual Writer’s Digest Contest for Non-rhyming poetry in 2021 and is the 2019 Southern Fried Haiku Champion.
Twitter: @pwcpoetlaur2020