Jane Palmer



How does it feel

to walk down the street, confident no one will harm you

to be in a crowded space and not scan for all possible exits

to let down your guard and invite love over to stay.


Fight, flight, or freeze, asks the therapist.

I say I fight

because the truth is more complicated

and I no longer want to be the me that freezes or flees.


How is your sleep, asks the doctor.

Fine, I say.

Because when I sleep I dream of wild worlds

where I fight dragons

and win.


I wake up unrested, but accomplished

I start my day ready to conquer any challenge

ready to invite you over to stay

without worrying about exits

or dragons.


Jane Palmer is a professor, researcher, and activist in Washington, DC. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her family and friends, she is dreaming of – and working toward – a world without violence.  

Follow Jane on Twitter: @jane_e_palmer

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